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发表于 2023-9-2 07:42:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
征文启事 | “收入不平等、脆弱性与中等收入陷阱”学术研讨会& y& b$ m+ j7 J  M5 E. X* t2 g
9 ~( A1 a. C, f; u
背景; f! ^1 G- h! m' c: s; l
4 k% P. w: ~6 i
  J: z; l1 L3 n& H, g+ k' W1 [4 F$ h% R, n' O) b( \# S6 n  M3 `
0 x1 k" \: l9 c) n- Q: K' v& O0 @* Y5 g6 f8 J( C2 e3 s8 `
为了进一步深化对这一复杂议题的认识,为实现全球可持续发展目标提供有力的学术支持,厦门大学邹至庄经济研究院、王亚南经济研究院和经济学院联合发起主题为“收入不平等、脆弱性与中等收入陷阱”的研讨会,并向国内外学界公开征文。本次研讨会旨在汇集全球的智慧和力量,共同探讨如何有效地应对和解决贫困问题,特别是如何跨越“中等收入陷阱”这一挑战。) V7 k( R) p; I+ C

, Z: f  ^7 O2 ]征文主题和专题4 U0 U( s; \" d

: a! h' o/ D$ G) w, e/ Y6 B- l. Q主题:关于反贫困、经济增长与可持续发展倡议的理论创新与政策研究: i; b* J6 t  T/ U! O. w$ S, U
% V$ E0 n) h3 d1 U. N9 |8 H7 I
专题范围:) O. a" Z: H" z) L$ p/ D

. G8 F) m5 S/ W+ d  `1.   中国特色反贫困理论创新与政策实践
$ {' o1 h; [0 K- x8 C! g6 h* h/ g7 v8 U6 g8 |- ^. `% w9 B
2.   中国减贫经验与成就的公共政策分析# B# w% w' j! ]* z# z* i7 w! p
4 Q0 D5 z: E' r" I- Y( d7 L
3.   有关不平等与贫困的财政与社会政策的比较评估
% L* j4 R- [5 ?9 v* @8 u
3 o9 V9 k8 P5 b7 v$ b5 l4.   疫情造成的贫困脆弱性与福利影响分析
/ C4 V0 g+ Q. Q" U# @& q; Z+ n4 c, h* }, M! D9 X* W5 g
5.   公共服务的提供与代际流动性分析
0 v$ g% V: j6 @- X
7 q4 p! q; k* W* [6.   再分配的感知与偏好:测度、因素与影响
3 x. e- B9 t' l1 W+ j% o. r( j' E2 v- u; w( x
7.   新技术与人工智能对社会不平等与包容性增长的影响
- v. k; }$ ~+ H
# J7 d8 Z7 v. Y& a; D% k8.   某个可持续发展目标与社会不平等6 v! s3 \# l$ b2 R& W3 d( ~, {

) O  O- o& B" h& m9 n9.   重大灾害(例如疫情)对不平等与贫困的影响以及政策应对6 n* ^! E% x4 d
; D: ~: B1 E( `  ?3 S) w$ Q
* D+ }1 Z0 B/ }0 C; r1 C) x0 ?8 u. ]) e: Q
本次征文活动与China Economic Review、《中国经济问题》杂志合作。4 Z. a: q0 l$ t. g2 `+ v% y
+ ~, v2 g7 o9 Q
论文将经匿名同行评审,并择优纳入China Economic Review的特刊、《中国经济问题》的匿名评审程序。
$ y4 J; D0 F4 m7 t- n, A9 t
1 T" h# |; C/ j6 g* W+ |; y通过评审的论文作者将受邀参加2023年10月13-14日在厦门大学举办的“收入不平等、脆弱性与中等收入陷阱”学术研讨会。. n- h( c5 }4 u! q

3 i- \" s8 P1 T* V' a投稿截止日期:2023年9月20日
% M& q1 Y9 a  `9 q! H; x6 L. L- V. J- K  f, f
Call for Papers: Conference on "Income Inequality, Vulnerability, and the Middle-Income Trap"" l8 ~$ ^3 h4 G% m% Q. A
1 p& n& T) b9 Y6 _) ]+ a6 o: d
" J6 J, C" ^( \% }  l, Z
5 r7 }$ \& `+ w& ~. N8 A$ s$ NWhile the 21st century has witnessed significant reductions in global poverty, progress has been uneven across regions and countries. Many developing nations have encountered a hurdle known as the "middle-income trap," which hampers their efforts to economic development and eradicate poverty. China's successful elimination of absolute poverty serves as an instructive case study for global poverty alleviation strategies; however, it also faces forthcoming challenges. This conference aims to illuminate the multifaceted challenges experienced by middle-income and low-income populations, with a focus on promoting inclusive and sustainable growth while navigating the middle-income obstacle.! d7 e3 ?0 g2 P9 \

/ I* e2 h0 o, D/ w+ sThemes and Topics4 H% P* V/ S3 b' I1 P
' C+ D6 q: Y/ k0 }/ `5 [# W) c& X
Main Theme: Innovative Theories and Practices for Poverty Alleviation, Economic Growth, and Inclusive/Sustainable Development Initiatives.
8 V0 O* J: g1 i2 X& @7 h8 u8 A1 ?! d3 u2 G: C$ |% d% w% R
•Topics Covered:' J1 Z6 `: p) g5 n* |8 ?# z7 l1 l

' f* m% b" A" dInnovative Theories and Practices for Poverty Alleviation with Chinese Characteristics7 `) ?7 G# h" I1 f6 I; u

; E8 E4 u& L% Q. aEvaluation of Public Policies for Poverty Alleviation1 Q7 K& `. M$ G. ?
* z9 e; a  F- q1 Y
Comparative Assessments of Social and Fiscal Policies on Inequality and Poverty
- V$ r+ n) j% w' Z4 y. D/ L
% r/ }# u- t/ V" YVulnerability and the Welfare Impact of the Pandemic
  M" d- W0 W# d
* ?" w, E; u& I+ M# B, H( lDelivery of Public Services and Intergenerational Mobility. n8 R, }" Z% D& Z2 f# o

* I& ^" V) y) e# iPerceptions and Preferences for Redistribution: Measurement, Factors, and Effects
6 i5 O# m# B  b" m: d* g2 a- ^  Y4 l, U
Impact of New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence on Social Inequalities and Inclusive Growth/ L8 h2 G4 A/ T% Z
  x$ d: e4 ^# f; T
Selected Sustainable Development Goals and Social Inequalities! U2 b8 }! N0 G, l1 W

; {, ~5 V  c( G( [Impact of Crises (such as the pandemic) on Inequality and Poverty, and Policy Responses4 C. ]" j& P0 q* p/ O/ A

' a8 K9 `6 q# ?  zJournal Collaboration and Paper Review
( t) T. \, W7 ~% R7 v/ K0 \, q& r: a4 |: f0 \& U( s* O8 ]
•Special Issue Collaboration: This call for papers is in collaboration with China Economic Review and China Economic Studies.
" F: q5 }8 X& R/ w' v% K
! y' S+ r1 O0 y•Paper Review: Submitted papers will undergo an anonymous peer review. Selected English papers will be considered for a special issue in China Economic Review, while Chinese papers may be included in China Economic Studies after their respective review processes.
6 e0 G1 T/ N5 E& Y  F; c% I. I
$ b1 d1 L  }! e( z: {•Guest Editors for the Special Issue in China Economic Review:. z* d6 j- E) O5 {5 h+ ]
* F2 \; \, q, S$ ]
Shaohua Chen, Professor, Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University
! c2 P" N/ a# C" E+ o( K: ~+ C5 M% m( z, c( L9 `- v. Y. C' H7 P
Dominique Van De Walle, Non-Resident Fellow, Global Center for Development: l; g8 m& R3 p7 h' c& W% _( h# D2 L/ y
3 m: u! N6 L1 ]. e% o( g9 z9 ]
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to participate in a conference on "Income Inequality, Vulnerability, and the Middle-Income Trap" to be held at Xiamen University on October 13-14, 2023.; \9 [7 }7 k7 M, E/ Y7 o6 _7 g) ]

. d/ Y/ j0 z% T7 d## Submission Requirements
. D9 g3 t7 ?' L4 K) Q  `( v, s) }5 a! _6 h
- Language: English or Chinese  _+ I% i" v# z1 Q5 k0 b7 V

2 M3 T, U! F7 ^0 u' _( a- Word Limit: Chinese 15,000-20,000 characters, English 6,000-12,000 words
+ s6 k/ w0 C2 ^  y: j: k4 N5 O' I. ?1 D
- Formatting: Follow *China Economic Review* guidelines for English submissions, V* g) G0 @7 }4 v- C) y( o) L
4 T# M, ~8 Z7 W7 [$ q& f
- Submission Method: Word document with author information on the first page
' h$ j- W6 J% b+ P! v+ Q
! ~8 s% W% i& I  T## Important Dates
& j0 y6 N- n! P* V9 G/ [- o5 Q3 m; d& N% w' K
- Submission Deadline: September 20, 20239 S8 ?) K: P2 }) t

7 H0 F# {+ O' ~, r. \5 A' }; V## Contact Information
% v2 i& x- h5 q1 X' _6 c0 D+ N/ s+ h
- Submission Email: gxye@xmu.edu.cn( C4 ?8 c3 ?# E* ~  `

0 k% y7 F0 i7 P9 {8 C) Y* v9 [1 d- Contact Person: Guixiang Ye! [' I" }2 b' T; ^3 ~: m- T) d* k  x( U  H
( |6 `/ k- V% Z  h1 `  {
Xiamen University  0 _0 n/ U$ Y& F  h! i

: i( d  F, i$ f8 i6 \August 31, 2023  l2 E) |5 q* H& X- }" c4 B( [  F
* t$ j0 Z& X; O8 q5 N# G5 H
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